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Chapter.0 その他 - 2年生の終わりまでに出来る様になりたいMotion20選(むずい方)





































keyword, phraseの意味が分からない=モーションが分かってないと同義って場合も多いので、調べてみてね!

また、key wordの中には固有名詞ではないけれど、なんで出てくるか分からない=モーションが分かってないってやつも入ってます。






(A) Politic (4 Motions)


THBT political parties should make their pre-election promises binding, the breaking of which would trigger immediate elections (Icho Cup 2012 R4)


Keywords : Accountability, unexpected natural disaster, concession with other parties


THW introduce blind voting

(Blind voting means voters indicate a series of preferences for policies rather than directly selecting a party. These preferences are then matched to the policies of political parties the voter is taken to have voted for the party that most closely matches their preferences.eudc 2014) (EUDC 2014 R6)


Keywords : discrimination towards minority(i.e. Female, african-american), personality of politician, negative campaining heavily relying on image battle



EUDC 2014 - Room 1 [Round 6] - YouTube



THBT supreme/constitutional courts should not have the power to strike down legislationEUDC 2014 QF


 Keywords : Consitutionality, Condition of consitutional Reform, Selection process of the

 judge in US supreme court.




EUDC 2014 - Room 2 [Open Quarterfinals] - YouTube



EUDC 2014 - Room 1 [Open Quarterfinals] - YouTube



違憲審査権の意味、判例についてわかりやすく解説 | リラックス法学部

大統領より怖い? 9人目の最高裁判事任命



THBT EU states should ban ultra-nationalist/far right political parties (Ryoso Cup 2012 GF)


 Keywords : Representation, Freedom of Assosiation, National Front, AfD, bigotory,



ドイツ総選挙 極右政党「ドイツのための選択肢」94議席の衝撃 問われる欧州の結束 | 木村正人 | コラム | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト


イタリア、ポピュリズムと極右が再び連立合意 ユーロ懐疑派外す組閣で再選挙回避へ | ワールド | 最新記事 | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト


イタリア極右が総選挙前にすみ分け作戦 | ワールド | 最新記事 | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト


(B) Economy (4 Motions)


THBT employers should be allowed to discriminate on lifestyle factors (such as smoking and obesity) when hiring. (Austral 2012 R3)


 Keywords : Corporate right, Is it really his/her lifestyle? (Obesity caused by genes),

 having job is a prerequisite for life, its not choice.


THBT governments should "never" rescue failing private industry (WUDC 2008 R8)


 Key words : Competition, moral hazard, domino effect, Gov "we use that money for

 welfare instead"


THBT the EU should abolish the euro (WUPID 2010 SF)


Keywords : Policy Mix, fiscal policy, monetary policy, national debt, exchange risk, condition of joining Euro Zone, ECB, quantitative easing, devaluation, exportation



そもそもなぜギリシャはユーロに加盟できたのか? – アゴラ

【5分で解説】いまさら聞けない経済の基礎~ギリシャ危機って何だったの?~ | News VESTA

楽天ブックス: 池上彰のやさしい経済学(1) - 池上彰 - 9784532197100 : 本





ちなみにこのモーションができるようになると、秋ティー 2018 GF

TH prefers the world with one unified currency



THBT governments of developing countries should not allow foreign large retailers like Wal-Mart, Costco etc. to advance into their market.(冬T 2013 QF


Keywords : Economy of scale, protectionism, infant industry theory, Hyundai


産業政策 - Wikipedia

ウォルマート - Wikipedia

大型ショッピングモールが撤退すると残された町はどうなるのか? - GIGAZINE



(C) Religion (2 Motions)


THBT overall, religion has been a force for good in the worldpre-astrals 2012 GF


Keywords : aborition, LGBT issue, female issue for Christianity, Stoning, Female issue( i.e. Burka), honour killing for Islam, tenets and doctrine, exclusivty, salvation



2013.06.30 Grand Final, JPDU Pre-Australs 2013 - YouTube


THBT feminist movement should never oppose Burka (秋ティー 2015 R3)


 Keywords : Feminist Movement, Burka, difference between "hijab, nikab, and burka",

 Quran, do they like burka?



イスラム女性に襲われISISがブルカを禁止する皮肉 | ワールド | 最新記事 | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト

ニカブとブルカの違いとは?ヴェール着用禁止問題について - JapaNEO

イスラム教徒(ムスリム)の女性の服装のいろいろ | サウジアラビアより愛を込めて♡


(E) IR-ish (3 Motions)


THBT the European Union should only direct aid to nations that pursue environmentally sustainable development (WUDC 2008 R4)


 Keywords : Purpose of development aid, distinction between "humanitarian aid" and 

 "development aid", trade off between economy and enviroment, econnomical impact of

 pollution, Gov"where they would buy neccesary technology for environmentallly

 sustainable development from?"


THBT colonial states have a duty to intervene in failed postcolonial states.

(Australs 2011 OF)


 Keywords : what is "duty", ways of intervention (Military intervention? Sanction? Smart

 sanction?), dictatorship, arbitrary borders, ethnic division



 Korea Australs 2011 Octos UTMARA 1 vs Vic 1 - YouTube

 (Negative TeamのVic wellington 1はこの年のChampionです。)


 アフリカから紛争(内戦)が無くならない2つの原因をわかりやすく解説 - 原貫太オフィ シャルブログ

 外務省: わかる!国際情勢 Vol.19 アフリカにおける紛争の現状と平和構築~PKOセンタ



THBT developing countries should prefer the Chinese model of development over the Western model (Chinese model: the sacrifice of civil-political rights for economic development) (ICUT 2013 GF)


keywords : definition of happiness, definition of civil-political rights, forced eviction


(F) Minority&culture (3 Motions)


TH regrets the rise of a ‘hookup culture’ (one which accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters focused on physical pleasure, without necessarily including emotional bonding) (WUDC 2014 R3)


 Keywords : Sexual liberation, culture or coersion? teenagers and uni students, STD


THW require companies to place images of animal suffering on all products or food whose production harmed or killed animalsEUDC 2014 ESL QF


 Keywords : corporate right, choice and understanding of consumers, distress, "I have to see that everytime?"


THW require indigenous communities to send their children to school of modern     



 Keywords : children's life within indigenous community, famine and desease, 

 destruction of cultures, ramspringa, parent's choice.



アーミッシュ - Wikipedia


(G) Equality (2 Motions)


THW ban inheritance.UADC 2013 GF


  Keywords :"social mobility", Structual Inequality, equality of opportunity, equality of   

  outcome, Birth lottery, choice of parents, inheraitance tax as opposition's strategy 



 United Asian Debating Championships (UADC) 2013 Grand Final - YouTube


THW ban the publication of any scientific research that may conclude certain race/sex are inferior to others. (WUDC 2013 Double-Oct)


  Keywords : Affirmative action, internalization


(H) CJS (2 Motions)


 THBT the criminal cases should be tried by jury(秋T 2013 QF


  Keywords : expertise, rationality, discrimination towards minority(female, hispanic, etc)


THBT civil disobedience is an integral part of a peaceful society (WUPID 2007 R3)


  keywords : Civil Disobedience, Tyranny of majority, representation of minority



Debate - BP Civil Disobedience - YouTube

(おすすめ:LO、DLO、MG、全員Worlds Championです)