
「このグループに関して」 元は夏セミ2016の中級クラスの部屋です。 ここはディベートに関する資料を適当に貼っていくところです。 ここに書いてあるものは誰でも編集できるので、好きにコピペするなりして使ってください。また、誰でもまだ入ってない人を招待できるので、自大とかで資料見たいって人がいたら好きに招待してあげてください。使えそうだと思ったら、後輩にばらまいてもらっても大丈夫です。 何か質問とか要望があれば、コメントしてちょ。何でも答えるよ!多分!

Chapter.0 その他 - 1年生の終わりまでにやっておきたいMotionXX選

22.03.10 加筆









【夏セミンゴ】練習用モーション - Google スプレッドシート


















THW prohibit methods of animal slaughter prescribed by religions that cause prolonged pain to the animal.

(JPDU Spring tournament 2013 R-GF)





THBT tiger-parenting does more harm than good as aform of education
Info. Tiger parent is an extremely strict parent who makes his/her childeren work excessively hard so that they can attain high levels of academic achievement.

(K-cup 2018 R1)




THW require indigenous communities to send their children to school of modern education.

(Bp Novice 2012 R3)


(1)THW allow deaf couples to use medical technology to ensure they have deaf offspring(Oxford IV 2009 R1)


Keywords:Parental rights, disability or lingistic minority?, creation of accessible society

(バリアフリー) and states responsibility


This couple want a deaf child. Should we try to stop them? | Science | The Guardian





THBT we should stop the attempt to find a ‘cure’ for autism(Gemini 2016 R3)



(2)THW ban the abortion of fetuses on the grounds of their permanent disability

(The kansai 2013 SF)


Keywords: choice, action based on discrimination,  fetus is not human being yet, eugenics



abortionはin general オッケーだけどこのケースだけダメなのか、全部ダメだけどこれが特にやばいからダメなのか、お互いのスタンスによってディベートが変わります。



THW ban any technologies which test human embryos/fetuses for their genetic characteristics(Aoyama Womens cup 2014 R1)




(3)THW ban privately owned vehicles for personal use

(Hong Kong Debate Open 2012 R6)


Keywords:environment, property right, "privately"


(4)THW allow minors to take gender reassignment surgery without parental consent

(Ryoso Cup 2014 R-GF)


(5)THBT doctors from developing countries should not be allowed to migrate to developing countries.

(Icho Cup 2012 QF)


(6)THW provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services rather than cash payments

(K-cup 2020 R2)


THW legalize performance enhancing drugs in professional sports.

(2015 K-cup R1)


THW legalize all drugs for recreational purposes.

Subaru Cup 2018)


Freedom of Expression

THW prohibit anonymous writing on the Internet.

(Umeko Cup 2016 R1)


THW legalize public nudity

(Umeko cup 2020 R2)


THW ban websites that glorify eating disorders.

(WUDC 2007 SF)




(1)THW not use public money on life-extending medical care for people over certain age

(JPDU Autumn Tournament 2015 R2)


Keywords:purpose of public money/tax, priviledge for rich elderly, quality of life, death with dignity


延命治療 - Wikipedia


(2)THW never bail out big failing companies

(Icho Cup 2017 R2)


THW use gambling to rejuvenate economically depressed  zones.

(WUDC 2005 SF)


THW prohibit discrimination in the labor market on the basis of appearance.

(JPDU Spring tournament 2012 R2)


That employers should not have access to job applicants’ criminal records

(Australs 2011 R6)


That we should prohibit price gouging after natural disasters
(Australs 2011 R5)




(5)As European Union, THW substancially decrease the number of immgrants they accept from Africa and middle east.


Keywords:discrimination on minority, stance of EU towards immigrants


(6)THBT the churches should allow gay clergy(North East Asian Open 2004 R7)


Keywords:tenets/doctrines, interpretation, tradition, discrimination


LGBT clergy in Christianity - Wikipedia



THW enforce complete gender equality on all religious institution(NTU Dorothy Cheung 2014 QF)


Debate Motion Central: NTUDC Debating Championship March 2014

(7)THW require all the religious schools to teach atheism in their compulsory curriculum.  

Keywords:atheism, confrontation of ideas


(8)THBT LGBT movements should not glorify coming out.
Coming out of the closet, or simply coming out,is a metaphor for LGBT people’s self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or of their gender identity.(Wiki)

(K-Cup 2018 R2)


THW discourage the movement that aim to further the acceptation of obesity in society

(Umeko Cup 2016 OF)




This house would not prosecute battered wives for killing their husbands.

(Oxford IV 2008 R1)


TH supports indigenous persons convicted of a crime being sentenced by their community and not the courts.

(WUDC 2006 R9)


THW make the release of child sexual abusers conditional on chemical castration.

(WUDC 2004 R6)


THBT looting should not be criminalized in times of calamity.

(NEAO 2013 R2)


(8)THW make offenders of non-violent crimes perform community service rather than serve time in prison

(ESUJ 2012 R3)

ラウンドに出す際は、community service(社会奉仕活動)が何かって簡単な説明がある方が良いかと思います。


keywords:community services, prison in United States, Prison in Nordic country


海外首相やセレブが行う更生プログラム「社会奉仕活動命令」とは? - NAVER まとめ


貧困大国アメリカ(3) ― 民間刑務所ビジネスと手をつなぐ巨大産業(Prison-Industrial Complex)、犯罪は増えていないのに投獄率はイギリスやドイツと比べて5倍から10倍も高いのです[チョムスキー] - 百々峰だより


服役の概念変えるノルウェーの刑務所 – Bloomberg


このモーションは、ESUJでやったときにESUの方々がモデルディベートをやっています。私の大好きなStephanie Bellも出てるので、ぜひ見てみてね!

Model Debate by UK Squad 2012 - YouTube






(2)THW force doctors to report suspected cases of domestic violence

(Icho cup 2015 SF)



THBT priests should report the confessions of serious crimes to the police.

(ESUJ 2016 QF)


IR - ちっくなもの


(9)THBT all nations should have the right to possess nuclear arsenals


Keywords:Mutual assured destruction(MAD), right to defend your country, Ukraine"if we had nuclear bomb when Russia came in for Crimea...",


相互確証破壊 - Wikipedia


(10)THW give terrorist organizations full amnesty if they give up arms and form political parties(Malaysia Debate Open 2012 R7)


Keywords:restorative justice, punitive justice, purpose of terrorist organization




THW never negotiate with terrorists

THW give amnesty to dictators who voluntarily step down


THBT international law should recognise the right of each state to unilaterally undertake armed humanitarian intervention.

(NEAO 2011 GF)

